This video was constructed using all kinds of different techniques. Its mostly a combination of rotoscoping and software edited animation. Drawing each and every frame would have taken too much time, so I tried to use several small animation loops on different moments in de video. The raven for example is used many times, while its only one long animation. I like the ominous atmosphere and the reference to comics at the end. The music is clearly a nostalgic tribute to the house music of my teens, soulful and funky.
I made ‘Spijkerbroeken’ using rotoscoping techniques. The idea is to make an animation of actual drawings taken from stills of a video. Although it’s insanely hard work, the video gets a very loose feel. Thats also what i try to do in music, make very detailed ideas about the music and arrangements but then try to capture the rough edges while recording. This video contains over 1400 individual drawings…
“Zonneshine” is a song about the liberating effect of the sun shining. Unfortunately, the weather was very bad while shooting the video with my friends (Bram Griffioen and Bas Verweij). Haha,.. thank god we had some sun rays at the end of the afternoon, while shooting the last seconds of the song. Bram did a great job editing the video. We filmed in the centre of beautiful Utrecht, and of course in Nieuwegein where i lived in a industrial complex…
This video is a tribute to my dear friends from the ‘Big Easy’. It’s backstage footage from our theater show during ‘Oerol’ in the summer of 2015. The song is recorded live under the ‘Brienenoord’ bridge in Rotterdam, where we performed the play during the “Opera dagen”.
Fridolijn is a great singer, i made this (simple) video of a live radio performance in Rotterdam. I ve used two camera’s and some footage of the area close by. Hope you enjoy her beautiful voice and pretty song…